Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Meanwhile ... Back at the Nest

While most of the group departs for VBS at 8:45am, a few people remain behind to act as the "work crew." The work crew has been working on a variety of projects, from painting to home renovation (mostly painting). Now, there's nothing wrong with painting, but there is SO MUCH TO PAINT. Every time we cross a painting project off of the list, three more take its place. 

On top of the never-ending stack of painting projects, the children at the Nest seem determined to distract us at every possible opportunity. Those who don't attend VBS are always nearby, watching us perform our duties and constantly asking, "What are you doing?" On one occasion, I was painting a railing while a curious young boy decided to stand on my back and inquire what I was doing. He remained there for a while before finally climbing down and running off. 

We've managed to get a lot done, the to-do list seems to be dwindling, and our efforts are finally paying off in the form of a more beautiful place for the children to live. We've made a lot of progress, and I hope our efforts will be appreciated and remembered for years to come.  -Bennett R.

professional painter Ann

and her apprentice Syd

Dave could work 24 hours fixing things around the Nest ... and Bennett is learning all sorts of new skills (oh, and painting, too)

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